
My name is Ashley. I'm mostly from Philly and I love my city very much. I've been professionally cooking and baking since 2016 but I've always had a deep passion for food since I was a kid. Food is what my family came together with and so it was natural to keep that with me.

I love- love- love food! Love to cook it, love to eat it, and I love to learn about it. I love to travel too, but mainly so I can eat. I love sugar the most, I might have a bit of an addiction, to be honest. Hence, why I'm a baker!

I find that food, especially cakes (and some other baked goods) tend to be either tasty or beautiful, never both at the same time. I'm personally on a mission to change that. My cooking philosophy is simple: if you prepare each individual piece of a dish, or each part of the cake, to its full potential, together they will all be magnificent!

Each month or so, I change up Dreamworld's menu. The inspiration for what actually makes it on there, well that can come from a few different things. First, I start off with what's in season. Then I move into what's conceptual and relevant to me at that time. If we're not full by that point, nostalgia tends to make it way into there.

I'm not really sure what to call my style of baking or design. It's a little bit uncategorizable. But, someone once called my bakes transcendent, and I liked how that sounded. Let's go with that.

If you ever have gotten the chance to get a custom cake from Dreamworld (or to merely eat one), you know that everything about them is CUSTOM. I don't think I've ever made the same cake twice, and I think therein lies our uniqueness.

I cannot wait to help you with your dream cake, or bake. Let’s get started!